Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Why go elsewhere when your house is a mess?"

There's a weird smog in the air at this building due to welding? Either way, people all over have the smell in their clothes, or they look like they're nauseous, orrr they look like they are about to pass out. Me? Well, I feel a little foggy, if that makes sense. Ha, it reminds me of Zoolander, where Stiller coughs and says, "I think I have black lung," or something like that.

This class began with discussion about missions trips. A kid started talking about why go outside of the country to help people when you can stay in. Another voices the opinion of, "Why not do both?" Another voices, "The ones that say that [that meaning staying in the country] usually are the ones that still don't do anything."

I think you can do both -- be a part of the community you're in but also get out of your box once in a while. I do believe that it is wrong to focus on places elsewhere and forget to pick up around yourself where you are presently. The whole Carpe Diem thing.. seize the day where you are.

Anyway, onto observations...

Well, this professor is entertaining with his humor and passion for what he teaches so you have most of the class listening. Some don't take notes and they nod here and there, but you can tell that their mind is distant. 

A few things I've noticed in every class so far:

  • A girl somewhere behind me has something to say about everything. Her voice holds a slight arrogance, but a bit of eagerness to show that she is paying attention. But her "whispers" should not be considered as "whispers" since they cut through these rows.
  • A man[?] always has about 2-3 questions per class. He sits in the same spot without fail.
  • A 40 year old[ish] always raises his hand about once or twice, starting with "Oh, like..." and then something slightly random
  • Other than the girl that speaks most of the time, [I answer things time to time] the few girls in this random male-dominated class do not say a word.
Though many are absent today, those four things are fairly constant.
Haha, a good time to look dumb is when you try and make a joke that doesn't apply.
My professor just made a reference to CSI:Miami. And the kid that semi-knocked out-of-the-country missions just made a Law & Order noise. 